10 Essential Items That You Need to Pack and Bring with You During a Move

  • 10 Essential Items That You Need to Pack and Bring with You During a Move

    Packing and moving to a new home is always a gigantic hassle. Not only do you have to put all of your belongings into boxes and send them across town or the country, but it usually takes some time to unpack everything once you’ve made it to your new home. There are belongings that you might not see for weeks or even months, so you want to make sure that certain essential items are kept with you when you move so you can be sure that you have them at all times. These items will depend on your personal needs, but here are ten essentials Ian’s Interstate Movers say that you should have with you during your move.

    1. Medication

    If you are taking any medication, you must have it in your moving essentials bag. You don’t want to waste time digging through boxes to find something that could save your life.

    2. Your Wallet and Keys 

    At any given time, you should keep your wallet and keys on your person. They are the kinds of things that you need to access quickly, yet you can easily lose them in a box or bag.

    3. Important Documents

    Documents such as birth certificates, social security cards, and passports should always be kept safe and accessible. If you don’t know what you should take with you, this handy checklist should help. 

    Keep crucial documents with you to keep them safe and secured.

    4. Electronics and Chargers

    You should at the very least keep your cell phone with you at all times during your move, but you might also want to keep your laptop, tablet, and any other electronics that you regularly use. Laptops can have sensitive information on them as well, so you should always know precisely where it is.

    5. Lightbulbs

    Since your new home probably won’t have any light, you will have to bring your own. Keep plenty of bulbs with you in your moving essentials bag so you will be able to see as you unpack.

    6. A Flashlight

    A flashlight is good to have if you don’t have any other source of light in your new home or you want to explore your new crawlspaces.

    7. Batteries

    Flashlights, electronics, tools, and toys will all need batteries to run, so make sure you have a few extra ready to go. It goes for rechargeable batteries too. 

    The last thing you want is your electronics running out of charge. Always bring extra batteries with you.

    8. Snacks

    It might take some time to stock your refrigerator or pantry properly, so keep some non-perishable snacks on hand in case anyone gets hungry.

    9. Your Toothbrush and Other Toiletries

    You will need to have all of your essential toiletries with you when you move into your new home. It should at the very least include a toothbrush and toothpaste, but you should also have soap, deodorant, and anything else that you use regularly. Usually, these things aren’t that expensive, but you shouldn’t have to replace something that is still perfectly useful.

    10. Bedding

    You might not have all of your furniture assembled and moved in right away, but you will always need a place to sleep. Keep a set of sheets with you just in case you need to get some sleep before you have a neatly furnished bedroom.

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